Friday, November 15, 2013

Program updates

It is about time for an update! Long overdue, I'd say!

Our penpal program didn't work out the way we wanted. The facility we chose was transitional for many of the children and even though we could find them if we needed, the legwork was too much for our volunteers. We would love to still send encouraging letters and gifts, so contact us if you want to help.

On a bright note, Project TLC volunteers Fred and Amanda Karol were able to visit our young friends and deliver a brand new pair of socks for each child. The Karols also helped deliver hats and gloves with another ministry! According to the Karol's, the kids were surprised that people they did not know would buy them gifts!

Our caregiving program at the children's invalid home in Crimea is humming along. The children who are getting extra attention are doing better and we are interviewing a possible new volunteer. However, we do not yet have access to the neediest of the children.

Caregiving is pure and basic to our ministry and prayer is our most powerful tool. If you have been praying for these children, for their caregivers and administrators, thank you! If you have not, will you start? We need volunteer prayer warriors and we need them yesterday. You see, things are going SO well that we have disturbed the dark forces that strive to keep these children in bondage.

This is real. This matters. Contact us if you'd like to commit to praying for this ministry.

Funding is always on our minds and we are exploring some different ways to make sure we can give our kids what they need, what we have promised. As we kick off the Christmas shopping season, one way you can support our work is to shop Amazon through our searchable link on the side of this page. You are going to be ordering items online anyway, why not make sure our kids get a small percentage?

Lastly, happy National Adoption Awareness Month! As a ministry, we serve the children left behind, but personally we fully support adoption and live this our in our families. We encourage you to consider adoption, too.